Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Overview
The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, seeks to prepare a specialized medical cadre with outstanding skills and competencies that contribute to community service by means of providing an appropriate educational and research environment, efficient staff and modern curricula oriented towards the welfare of society, and by applying the latest educational technologies that align with quality and accreditation standards.

University vision
To achieve regional leadership and global excellence in the field of medicine and health sciences.

Our Goals

- To provide the community with professional health staff equipped with efficient skills and competencies.
- To provide medical and health-related programs in accordance with quality standards and academic accreditation.
- To contribute to the provision and development of community health-related services.
- To provide an advanced learning and research-based environment that meets the needs of the community.
- To Activate communication with local and academic institutions related to health care.
Dean's word
The College of Medicine and Health Sciences at the University of Science and Technology was established as the first private medical college in Yemen in 1994 AD with the establishment of the university. Its founders established it out of their awareness that the education system is the most important means of shaping the national identity, and out of their desire to contribute to achieving the desired national change at the level of education, health and development.
Since its inception, our college has been known for its uniqueness and precedence in attracting academic programs, adopting modern teaching and learning strategies, implementing quality and academic development systems, and the diversity of community service programs that have provided services to all segments of society (starting with free scholarships for top students and memorizers of the Holy Quran, to medical camps that provide free health services to thousands of beneficiaries), its local, regional and international partnerships, the diverse educational environment in terms of study and teachers, the infrastructure that distinguishes our college, etc.
To contribute to shaping the integrated personality of our graduates, the college pays great attention when implementing the “university requirements” and “college requirements”, from the sciences and skills that a graduate of medicine and health sciences needs. For example: mastering the Arabic and English languages is an essential skill for the process of self-development and continuous learning for doctors, pharmacists, laboratory doctors, nutritionists, radiologists, and other graduates of the college’s programs. The skills of “communication” and “leadership” are the basic work tools that ensure effective professional communication between the service provider and its recipient from the community. The scientific research skill aims to alert the student to the importance of this field, its repercussions on the development process, and to motivate him to participate in it. As for “professional ethics”, it is the “balance meter” of science and behavior in the personality of our graduates, and the stability of this meter is the goal of all this amount of sciences and requirements.
It is known that the practical-applied aspect constitutes the backbone of the programs of the Faculties of Medicine and Health Sciences. Here comes the distinguished role of our partners from medical and health institutions with their leadership and technical teams; they are the supportive support for the college in implementing this aspect, especially since this is a task with high requirements in terms of our commitment to the university’s quality management requirements, and coordination requirements at the department and program level. It is also worth noting that the University of Science and Technology intends to open its university hospital soon in Aden Governorate; which will open the way for the college’s students to have greater practical application.
It goes without saying that our academic programs, along with their required courses, are subject to review and development every few years to keep pace with scientific and educational changes and to be in line with the requirements of the labor market. Along with this, the development and modernization of the practical infrastructure of laboratories and clinics, the internal and external recruitment of the best teachers, and the high qualification of the college’s staff, in addition to keeping pace with the university’s plan to automate administrative processes, and to build our institutional culture, etc.
Currently, the college teams are preparing some undergraduate programs for local and international academic accreditation, while the rest of the programs are undergoing a process of development and updating, in line with the accelerating requirements for quality and accreditation. The departments have completed the review and development of a number of postgraduate programs, which were actually launched during the academic year 2023-2024 (Master of Clinical Nutrition, Clinical Pharmacy, Oral and Dental Medicine and Surgery, Medical Laboratories), and work is currently underway to prepare and develop other programs.
However, the human being remains the focus and tool of all of the above; he is the “focus and tool of change”, and the “focus and tool of the education system”. As for the college, he is the “focus and tool of the college’s success”. The student who is open-minded to the challenges of learning and teaching in the twenty-first century is the center of all this effort, and the proactive and persistent teacher is the role model and pioneer, while the technical and administrative team are the pillars that bear and manage all this burden. We cannot fail to mention, within the college team, the college’s partners in the medical-health sector, both public and private; therefore, the college works to understand and apply the concept that the human being is the most important “asset” of the college, and that he should have the first priority in terms of qualification and training, and the duty of participation, and even responsibility in developing the college. This includes all categories of its members, from employees, students, and partners.
The college team looks forward to and pledges/commits to working on its continued excellence, especially with the spirit of perseverance and effort that each individual in this team offers, and with the clear support and great confidence that the university presidency gives us.
Dr. Fatima Qahtan
Dean of the College of Medicine and Health Sciences

Dean's word
In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful
Brothers and sisters, members of the academic and administrative body,
My sons and daughters are students of the College of Medicine and Health Sciences,
Our honorable guests,
We welcome you through the electronic portal of the College of Medicine and Health Sciences, which is part of the electronic work system of this educational institution.
With the beginning of a new year and a new start for the College of Medicine and Health Sciences in our beloved city of Aden, I cannot but extend my sincere thanks and appreciation to the leadership of the University of Science and Technology for the attention it attaches to this college and to medical education, as this college constitutes its first interest.
We carry out our duties in the Faculty of Medicine in our surroundings according to the plans drawn up for the university in adopting the latest curricula in medical education based on solving problems (Problem BASED LEARNING SYSTEM)
Oriented towards the community and touching its health problems and contributing to finding solutions to them and advancing medical services, as a modern system and a distinctive addition to what exists.
The college starts this year with its departments and scientific programs, starting with the program
- Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery.
- Bachelor's degree in Oral and Dental Medicine and Dental Technician Diploma
- Bachelor of Pharmacy and Diploma in Pharmacy Technician
- Bachelor of Laboratory and Diploma of Laboratory Technician.
- As well as the Bachelor of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics program.
In order to meet the community's needs of health cadres in various specialties.
Our future vision is concerned with developing educational programs for the college's contribution to providing the medical community with specialized cadres, especially in the required basic sciences, community medicine, family medicine, and health administration. In this context, the college seeks to establish partnerships with local and foreign universities to open master's programs in these disciplines, meet the urgent need for them, and raise the level of educational staff and students.
The college has adopted the introduction of modern equipment in laboratories and teaching aids, including a modern anatomy lab and a clinical and simulation skills lab, from which students will acquire clinical skills in a way that mimics the medical reality in hospitals.
In the interest of the unity of academic work, both theoretical and practical, our medical cadres make a serious contribution with the rest of the colleagues in the leadership of the university to complete the reference university hospital on time, God willing.
In conclusion, I can only express my sincere thanks and appreciation to everyone who has a positive contribution or initiative to advance medical education in our country from inside and outside the university within its official and societal framework.
Peace, mercy and blessings of God

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Academic Programmes
The faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at the University of Science and Technology - Yemen has adopted the latest Medicine and Surgery modern study system in medical education, and this system is based on a comprehensive integration of basic and clinical components in medicine, where the concepts are focused on the different organs of the body (System-based content) from all subjects, as well as problem-based learning, and community-oriented learning.
The courses align with the quality system education standards adopted by the university of science and technology- Yemen. The main objective of the program is to prepare a cadre capable of providing therapeutic and research services in the area of medical and health sciences to better serve the community, with the knowledge and skills acquired, as well as theoretical and practical experiences.
The program is oriented at Preparing scientifically and professionally qualified pharmaceutical cadres capable of actively participating in the fields of pharmacy, scientific research and continuous learning by providing distinguished services in pharmaceutical education and scientific research.
The Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics Program under the faculty of medical and of Health Sciences. Covers theoretical and practical courses and subjects including but not limited to the critical effect of food on human health, in addition to identifying the integrative effect that therapeutic nutrition plays in treating food-related diseases such as (diabetes, obesity and Cardiology) The program also covers aspects associated with societal and behavioural issues and dietary patterns.
The Bachelor of Clinical Laboratory sciences at the faculty of Medical and Health Sciences seeks to prepare a cadre specialized in laboratory diagnostics in Yemen, who are Equipped with outstanding professional and scientific capabilities and skills; It contributes to community service and scientific research through a distinguished educational environment, efficient staff, modern curricula, and applying modern teaching and learning techniques in accordance with quality standards and academic accreditation.
A six-year undergraduate program with a total of 205 credit hours, primarily aimed at providing academically competitive education and vocational training in pharmacy, both theoretical and practical, so that students acquire up-to-date knowledge and understanding as well as develop minds to appreciate and apply primarily acquired knowledge, skills and technology For the benefit of their community
The pharmacy technician diploma program at the faculty of medical and health sciences shares the vision, mission and objectives which consistent with the mission of the faculty and the university of science and technology; that is, Preparing scientifically and professionally qualified pharmaceutical cadres capable of actively participating in the fields of pharmacy, scientific research and continuous learning by providing distinguished services in pharmaceutical education and scientific research.
The medical laboratory technician program at the faculty of Medicine and health sciences seeks to Prepare highly qualified scientific cadres to meet the needs of society., by Providing a quality and distinguished scientific service. The program also applies a qualitative strategy in the curricula and scientific material, while providing modern scientific means and equipment that provide the student in Yemen with a distinguished academic atmosphere.
The Radiology and Medical Imaging Program at the faculty of Medical and Health Sciences seeks to produce qualified specialists in radiology and medical imaging technology, and graduates who are capable of continuing education to contribute to improving public health and better serve the community in Yemen. The program offers an exchange of experiences with faculties and programs of radiology and medical imaging in the regional environment of Yemen.
The program aims to prepare a nursing cadre whose performance is characterized by high quality and professional efficiency, who realizes the centrality of their role in the health system, and who is committed to their professional mission to achieve qualitative change in the beliefs and practices of society towards the nursing mission. In addition, the program seeks to enhance the ability of scientific research and field studies among nursing students; to develop and advance the nursing profession at the national level.
The Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Science and Technology offers the Master of Dental Sciences, MDS program, which is designed to build on the bachelor's degree experience. The program began in collaboration with the Faculty of Dentistry at Tanta University in Egypt in 2008 and continued until 2012, with two batches graduating (about 30 students in different dental specialties), and then the program was continued by the Faculty of Dentistry at the university.
Dentistry Technician Diploma
Proceeding from the increasing need to provide intermediate cadres of national competencies in Yemen within the field of dentistry in order to qualify them to work in hospitals, government and private health centres, and dental clinics, and in recognition of the pioneering role that the university of science and technology must play in community service in Yemen, the dental technician diploma program was established the year 1994, as an accredited program at the university of science and technology in Yemen
University of Science and Technology - Aden, the line of the people - east of the city of Enmaa for the tenth stage
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University of Science and Technology - Aden, the line of the people - east of the city of Enmaa for the tenth stage
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Public relations
University of Science and Technology - Aden, the line of the people - east of the city of Enmaa for the tenth stage
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University of Science and Technology - Aden, the line of the people - east of the city of Enmaa for the tenth stage
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Academic Consultation
University of Science and Technology - Aden, the line of the people - east of the city of Enmaa for the tenth stage
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Students Affairs
University of Science and Technology - Aden, the line of the people - east of the city of Enmaa for the tenth stage
- + 967 2 542 125
Advanced equipment and modern teaching methods in the College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Yemen
Studying a course within USTY’s Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences -Yemen means access to outstanding facilities, a range of reputable, accredited courses and real-world learning with a difference. The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences -Yemen is devoted to providing a conducive environment for the acquisition of knowledge and skills for effective clinical practice; in the delivery of healthcare; and to producing graduates who would improve the quality of life of the community.
The Faculty is committed to representing an exemplary learning centre, where all courses offered have their own medical labs and equipment in all disciplines. The various course contents of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences are taught via lectures, seminars, field visits, clinical work, study skills lab, and internship.
Furthermore, to ensure that the undergraduate medical programmes are conducted in the most effective manner, integrated laboratories complete with computer facilities, anatomy modules and biochemistry, physiology and pharmacology experimental facilities and equipment are available.
The Faculty offers courses, training, and research opportunities in a full range of scientific and clinical disciplines, such programmes are designed such that the graduates can further apply the acquired scientific and critical thinking skills to conduct research and clinical work in their own workplace with minimal supervision. The student’s achievements are closely monitored so that on graduation they will be able to practice medicine and related health sciences in a manner that is competent, humane, ethical and cost-effective.
Strengths of Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences in Yemen
The major strengths of the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences in Yemen are the infrastructure, qualified staff, state of the art equipment, and more importantly, its own teaching hospital. The staff are both local and foreign. Students in Yemen and abroad should study at the faculty of medical and health sciences because of the conducive learning environment, facilitated by its laboratories and staff.
This has ultimately led to new approaches to healthcare study based on increasingly available data and Information and communication technology capabilities.
Top Choice for Medicine, Dental Surgery and Pharmacy Courses in Yemen
With its advanced facilities and conducive learning environment, the University of Science & Technology is one of the best universities to study medicine in Yemen and other healthcare courses such as dental surgery and pharmacy.
Why Should You Apply for a Course in Medicine and Sciences at UST, Yemen?
If you are considering a broad career path in medicine, the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Yemen provides the best undergraduate programs locally and regionally. The faculty offers a Bachelor's Degree in Medicine and Bachelor's Degree in Surgery (MBBS) course and is supported by state-of-the-art technologies and facilities as well as the university’s commitment to medical ethics and continuous advancements.
The College of Medicine and Health Sciences at Yemen’s University of Science and Technology has adopted the Medicine and Surgery program as a modern study system in medical education. The Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery program is based on a semester-based system of Integrative Educational Groups (BLLC)
Learn more about studying Medicine & Health Sciences in Yemen here
Why Should You Opt for a Dental Pragramme at UST, Yemen
If your passion is leaning toward dentistry, a dental course in Yemen is also available at the University of Science & Technology. The Faculty of Dentistry offers Bachelor’s Degree courses in Dental Surgery (BDS) following international quality systems. You can expect to receive the highest education and training at UST, coupled with advanced facilities and helpful lecturers.
UST’s BDS course in Yemen provides a conducive space for students to obtain their bachelor’s degree in oral and dental medicine and surgery as an accredited certificate at the local, regional and international levels within 5 years.
Learn more about studying Dental Surgery in Yemen here
Why Should You Take Up a Bachelor’s Degree Course in Pharmacy at UST, Yemen
The Faculty of Pharmacy in Yemen’s University of Science and Technology features a Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy program that allows students to obtain a locally, regionally and internationally accredited certificate in pharmacy.
Upon completing the 5-year pharmacy course, students will have the opportunity to choose between continuing to obtain a Doctor of Pharmacy degree or graduating with a Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy. Once you obtain your Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy you will have the opportunity to work in government or private community pharmacies and hospitals, as well as have the chance to carry out research or conduct academic work as a teacher or lecturer.
Learn more about our certified Pharmacy Courses in Yemen here.