An announcement issued by the University of Science and Technology - Aden
The University of Science and Technology announces the issuance of Ministerial Resolution No. (6) for the year 2021 AD, from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, regarding the main center of the University of Science and Technology and the outcomes of the educational process in it. In the former main center of the university in Sana’a and in all the branches it supervises from Sana’a, namely: “Taiz (Al-Hawban), Al-Hodeidah and Ibb” starting from the academic year 2020-2021 AD, and that the baptism of all documents and certificates issued before the academic year 2020-2021 AD through the headquarters The current president is in Aden.
Accordingly, the University of Science and Technology announces its commitment to the ministerial decision referred to above, and its commitment to provide its educational services in accordance with the requirements of the law and its executive regulations, the recognized academic standards, and the regulatory instructions issued by the esteemed Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in this regard, and assures all students that the university is in the main center of Aden. and its branches in Taiz (Madina) and Hadramawt, within the framework of taking all necessary measures and arrangements resulting from the above-mentioned Ministry’s decision.
We recall on this occasion, and as everyone knows, that the administration of the University of Science and Technology, since the Saleh Al-Shaer Group took control of its former head office and branches (Ibb, Taiz (Al-Hawban), Al-Hodeidah), has endeavored and strives to restore the looted center and branches using all possible ways and means legally, customary and legally. Bearing in mind the interest of its students and all its affiliates from the academic and administrative staff..., and aware of the repercussions that could affect the interest of the students in the event that the so-called judicial guard continues to seize the university center and its branches under his control, and has always appealed to the wise and all relevant authorities to intervene and stop the damages Unfortunately, the group repelled these attempts without taking into account the interest of the students.
Accordingly, the university urges its children, students and its honorable audience to observe what is stated in the aforementioned ministerial decision, a copy of which is attached. It also calls upon all educational, scientific and professional institutions and bodies inside and outside those with whom the university has relations of cooperation and partnership to observe the decision and work with what is stated in it.
God bless,,,