University of Science, Technology and Reading
To it the story of civilization is affiliated, and from it all the valuable moments in modern human history are reproduced. Knowledge accumulation, scientific development, human discourse that extends from ancient beginnings, the details whose radiance sprouted man's greatest ideas of change, the world as it moves from a flat moment, poor in formation, one-dimensional, two-color, primitive in suggestion, to a moment such as the present moment; Infinite dimensions, dense in detail, open to the imagination in front of the infinite color gamut, complex in approach, overlapping in suggestion, fascinated by doubt, overlooking seas of undulating and generous knowledge and enigmatic miraculous enchantment. On spelling and stuttering, the ability to read, when learning the names, and by which all creatures surpassed the height, ability and favor.
Despite this cosmic theater imprinted on the enormous intellectual diversity, and the sharp divergence of opinion, the general mood almost recommends the centrality of reading, and its being one of the great human actions that there is no doubt about, that which was probably the secret of secrets, the greatest name, and the cosmic gift that stands behind the survival of Humanity up to the moment, and its liberation from the mood of annihilation that visits this planet every era and another, is behind the remarkable human ability of learned continuity, accumulative continuity, and the transfer of every recent summary to a newer future, behind the human being’s preservation of his searching, peaceful, eagerness to love goodness, and urbanization. The planet, and access to the captivity of this planet to the kingdom of the open universe on a sustainable expansion and expansion that has not been sufficient for fourteen billion years, if the calculation is correct.
And quickly descending towards the topic, reading at the university level has the main role in shaping the personality of the university student, whether on the academic, scientific and research level, or on the personal, intellectual, relational and other levels. In it, within the stage of dependence and the stage of maturity, between his mental journey in the vastness of foundations and various subjects, and his journey towards the future specialization that regulates what will come in the coming days, … and there is talk about this stage and the journey for a long time, but what is certain is that reading within this framework means an important bridge that matures the personality and prepares it For conscious and considerate independence, and bridges the gap between the specialization and its owner on more than one level, and in a manner that meets the specialist’s need for the necessary diversification outside the fence of specialization, and for vertical deepening within the specialization of specialization and increasing specialization.
1- Reading, a core skill within the university curriculum:
- Specialized reading is part and authentic within the university courses at the Yemeni University of Science and Technology, as it appears to the student in his first lecture in each subject, where he can identify the approved references for him, which are definitely available in the university library, and this puts the student on the natural track where the specialized addition is from approved references that meet His knowledge curiosity, and constitute a reference based on the evidence, and also contribute effectively to reaching the outputs drawn within the approved academic quality literature.
- Reading skill is an important topic that all university students study within the communication skills course, in which the student studies the basic parts of reading skill, and focus is placed on the skill of critical thinking, and the implementation of lower and higher mental abilities, if it is permissible to summarize based on the division of mental skills in Bloom's pyramid.
2. Reading within the extra-curricular activities
The university has established and continues to conduct many extra-curricular activities related to reading. Scientific seminars are a frequent tradition for all scientific departments in the university. The university also adopts some activities directly related to reading through student affairs and student clubs, especially the Iqraa Club.
The Read Club is one of the student clubs founded by university students, and under the supervision of Student Affairs, the Read Club. It is a club that specializes in holding various reading activities at the university, spreading the culture of reading among students, and creating effective means to increase the level of reading among students. The club has its branches that are distributed to all branches of the university. He also made special contributions in the field of reading, which must be detailed due to their fundamental importance.
- a- Discussion sessions: These are periodic meetings, often monthly, in which club members and other interested students meet to discuss the book they agreed to read in the last session.
Each session has a moderator for the discussion who is chosen in advance, and a guest for the discussion, who is often a person who specializes in the subject of the read book, or in his own field and gender, or the author of the book personally. It also gives everyone a variety of perspectives on the subject of the read book.
In these sessions, I read prestigious books on thought, psychology, sociology, and books and novels of fundamental importance.
- Point Conference: Point Conference was held from 4 to 6 February 2019 AD and was scheduled to turn into an annual activity. It was announced as the first conference for readers, and witnessed a huge attendance in all its sessions.
A group of intellectuals from Yemen participated in the conference, in which they presented topics of interest to the reader, the writer, and the intellectual in the Yemeni context. Some topics related to knowledge formation, specialized reading, reading the novel, and reading in light of the technological acceleration were also discussed. The experiences of some authors were also discussed, and so on. of activities.
- Reading projects and challenges:
- Restoration project: It is one of the most important projects adopted by the club, and it was presented as part of the Iqra Club projects as “one of the exits through which the Iqra Club seeks to prepare a generation of readers who understand the importance of reading to grow up with sound thinking that contributes to the advancement of its society and nation, and its most important goals are developing public awareness of the reality of Reading and the need to improve it, building a network of readers and activating communication between them to build, drawing a clear and gradual methodology in circular reading, and also making reading a social experience and a societal culture. The project was divided into four phases: introductory, foundational, training, and self-education.
- Reading track challenge: which was held for all university students, and it includes several stages / qualifiers, after which the champion of the reading track challenge is chosen.
- Dr- Training courses: including courses of an administrative nature for each new administrative body of the club, and open skills courses for those who want to join, including reading skills and mechanisms, which were held several times so that the student begins his reading journey with insight.
- e- The revival of international days, led by the International Book and Copyright Day, and the Arabic Language Day, during which several activities are held, including a book fair, hosting specialists, artistic paragraphs, and others.
- And the- Electronic discussions: These were discussions that were held through the club’s page and through its groups on WhatsApp, and its topic and the guest discussed were determined in advance. Among the topics discussed: the impact of cinema on culture
3. Reading and society
The university has many contributions in spreading reading awareness, whether through activities with other parties, or through activities set up by the Iqra Club for the purpose of spreading the culture of reading within the framework of Yemeni society. The club, in cooperation with the Al-Wafi Center for Artistic and Media Training, held a session to discuss the kite runner, in the presence of a number of artists and interested parties.
The university also held a tournament to challenge reading for schools, events to celebrate student authors, and the establishment of a knowledge corner in some schools, in which some paragraphs were presented on reading and reading for children and other things, and many other activities.