Discussion of the Master's Thesis 08/14/2021

Discussion of the Master's Thesis 08/14/2021

Saturday, August 14, 2021 AD.

The University of Science and Technology - Aden awards the student Alaa Al-Din Mustafa Abdo Zaid a master’s degree with distinction in civil engineering, for his thesis tagged with: Developing and evaluating the methodology of evaluating bridges in Yemen, which was supervised by Dr. Sadiq Ahmed Sinan.

The discussion committee was formed under the chairmanship of a. Dr.. Khaled Al-Shamsi, on behalf of the scientific supervisor, and the membership of a. Dr.. Abdullah bin Dahman, external discussion, and a. Dr.. Muhammad Aidarous Zain internal discussion.

The discussion took place in the presence of the President of the University, a. Dr.. Abdul Ghani Hamid Ahmed, and his assistant for academic affairs, Dr. Muammar Al-Qutaibi, and the University's Graduate Studies and Scientific Research Officer, Dr. Muhammad Al-Haidari, Dean of the College of Engineering, Dr. Nasr Al-Saqqaf, friends and relatives of the researcher.

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