Under the auspices of the Acting President of the University, Prof. Dr. Abdel Ghani Hamid Ahmed, and in the presence of:
Dr.. Munir Al-Abadi - Assistant to the President of the University for Student Affairs, Dr. Muammar Al-Qutaibi - Assistant to the President of the University for Academic Affairs, Prof. Muhammad Agbari - Secretary General of the University. On Thursday morning, 09/23/2021, the first institutional meeting for the academic year 2021-2022 was held with the participation of all university staff, including academics and administrators.
Start the conversation Abdul Ghani Hamid Ahmed praised the tremendous efforts that were made during the previous period, which witnessed many achievements at all academic levels, including contracting with many scientific competencies from doctors and teaching assistants in all faculties.

As for the infrastructure, special laboratories for the College of Engineering have been established in its various disciplines, and many modern medical devices and equipment have been added to all laboratories to keep pace with everything new and maintain our excellence and leadership in providing a high quality educational service.
The medical skills lab was also opened, which contains many clinics equipped with the latest equipment and models, through which the student can be trained to perform the necessary medical interventions in most sick cases.
The Acting President of the University also indicated that the modern infrastructure, the distinguished educational staff and the high-end educational service that we provide make our outputs efficient and distinctive, as our graduates can easily enter the labor market at home and abroad, due to the university’s excellent reputation regionally and internationally.
On his part, he praised Dr. Munir Al-Abadi - Assistant President of the University for Student Affairs that students are the center of attention, and that all efforts are made to always provide the best and latest in all fields, and that everyone must always maintain the highest standards of quality in performing tasks, whether administrative or academic, and that we are in the forefront It is a goal that cannot be waived.
At the end of the meeting, the attendees exchanged discussions and concluded a. Muhammad Aghbari - Secretary General of the University, met with a set of remarks, wishing everyone success.