University mission

 The Law Program in the Deanship of E-Learning and Distance Learning seeks to graduate a qualified cadre equipped with skills and knowledge in legal sciences that meets the requirements of development, the labor market, knowledge development and scientific research through an efficient academic staff, a distinctive learning environment and an advanced curriculum, using modern educational means and techniques in e-learning and distance learning. In accordance with the standards of quality assurance and academic accreditation.

University vision

 That the rights program achieve leadership and excellence locally and regionally in legal sciences

Program Features

  • Curricula and courses developed and prepared in a self-learning manner.

  • Teaching directly online (virtual classes).

  • Recorded educational video lectures

  • The program has been prepared in accordance with academic quality standards and the references of a number of corresponding programs in several universities. The presence of a distinguished cadre of specialized faculty members

  • The program contains a sufficient dose of forensic and legal sciences, with an emphasis on legal aspects

  • Qualifying the student to compete and join the labor market in the legal field, such as the legal profession, legal advice, and the public prosecution.

  • Preparing the student to continue postgraduate studies and work in the field of justice.

  • The program is accredited by all academic boards.

  • An accredited program of higher education.

Program Goals

Providing the student with basic knowledge in the legal aspects necessary for practical life.

Introducing the student to the basic sciences related to Islamic law and expanding his understanding of religious matters.

Graduating a distinguished student with a legal faculty and the ability to interpret legal texts.

Developing the student's abilities and skills in the field of scientific research.

Qualifying the graduate to apply what he has learned to practical reality.

Career opportunities

  • Work in the Public Prosecution Office.
  • Law firm.
  • Legal specialist in various facilities in the public or private sector.
  • Counsel.
  • Preparing to work in the judiciary.
  • Continuing to study masters in different universities.

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      جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا