faculty of Pharmacy

About the Center

Our goals

  1. Spreading scientific and practical awareness of the importance of renewable energy as an alternative source of energy in the Republic of Yemen.
  2. Carrying out research and encouraging researchers in renewable energy sciences, its applications, and electronic design.
  3. Design and implementation of integrated renewable energy systems.
  4.  Designing various electronic circuits, processing circuits and electronic devices, leading to manufacturing according to the available capabilities.
  5. Participation in seminars and conferences specialized in the field of renewable energy and electronic design.
  6. Creating the infrastructure for the transfer and development of the renewable energy technology industry and electronic design in Yemen.
  7.  Training of cadres in the field of renewable energy and electronic design.
  8. Supporting, encouraging and implementing outstanding projects and inventions.
  9. Raising the level of graduation projects and making them meet the needs of the market.

Our message

The Center seeks to produce and provide electrical energy from renewable and clean sources of energy instead of the costly, polluting and expired traditional energy, as well as training qualified cadres for the design, installation and maintenance of these renewable energy systems. The Center also seeks to design and maintain various electronic circuits and equip various electronic laboratories. The field of electronic designs and maintenance.

our vision

Developing and disseminating knowledge, providing training and creativity in the areas of renewable energy and electronic designs, strengthening postgraduate research and helping to create an industrial nucleus at the local and regional levels.

Center Services

The most important services of the center

Providing scientific services to researchers in the field of graduate and university studies.

• Providing studies and consultations in the field of renewable energy and electronic designs for various parties.

• Designing and implementing renewable energy systems to feed communication systems, feeding different loads for the commercial and domestic sectors, and implementing water pumping systems.

• Holding lectures, seminars and workshops.

• Establishing advanced specialized engineering courses in the field of renewable energy, electronic designs and various engineering technical fields.

• Maintenance and design of various applied and laboratory systems and electronic circuits.

• Participation in local, regional and international exhibitions and conferences.

• Publishing scientific research in several fields and scientific conferences.

Center activities

• Research activities

• Training Activities

• educational activities

• Scientific seminars, symposia and scientific workshops

• Design and installation of renewable energy systems

• The advisory side to the various parties

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      جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا