About the Center

Our goals

Care and development of talented and talented people in the Republic of Yemen.

Providing distinguished services in the field of care and development of talented and talented individuals and institutions for the purpose of contributing to the development of society.


The Gifted and Talented Program in Schools

Belief in the necessity of identifying and satisfying learners’ needs, discovering their tendencies and abilities, and nurturing them is an indication of the educational institutions’ commitment to raising the level of education. The program also includes qualifying the educational cadre of teachers and supervisors and training them to develop enrichment activities, enabling them to identify the characteristics of talented and talented people, support and guide them, and the program does not neglect the role of the family and the guardian in nurturing and nurturing these talents.

Quality of school education

The Excellence Development Center helps educational institutions to raise the level of performance and bring about continuous improvement in their performance to achieve their vision and strategic objectives. This is done by evaluating the school’s performance according to procedural steps and based on the reference of quality and accreditation standards, where information and data on school performance in the current situation are collected and compared with quality standards. 

Innovation and Scientific Excellence Award

The Excellence Development Center annually organizes the Innovation and Scientific Excellence Award in the following fields: (physics, chemistry, biology, environment, computer) for innovators from school students. .

Evaluation of the functional staff in institutions and companies

Evaluation of employee performance is one of the pillars upon which to determine the career path, its compatibility with work and its need for development. Evaluation is also a means of reform that enables decision makers to identify employees who need further training or guidance, and enables them to choose the appropriate competencies.

As the Center for Excellence Development provides, within its activities, services provided to institutions and companies and assists them in selecting new employees, transferring employees, and forming work teams. 


Scientific symposium for the care of the gifted and talented

Because of the importance of scientific research in developing the reality of the gifted and talented and their need for all forms of support and care, the Excellence Development Center organizes annually the scientific symposium for the care of the gifted and talented in the Republic of Yemen, where it discusses issues and topics that contribute to the development of care for the gifted and talented and presents new ideas and visions to meet the challenges that hinder the care of the gifted and excelling in the Republic of Yemen.

Accordingly, we invite researchers and those interested in the field of talent and thinking to participate in scientific research and working papers for the scientific symposium to care for the gifted and talented in the Republic of Yemen.

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      جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا