applied faculty

University vision

The Applied College of Science and Technology aspires to be the leading college at the local and regional levels by offering technical and professional programs that meet the requirements of the labor market and keep pace with technological developments.

University mission

The Applied College of Science and Technology seeks to contribute to meeting the needs of the local and regional market, for qualified professional cadres; This is done through an advanced educational and technical environment, efficient human cadres, and community service relations in accordance with quality standards and academic accreditation.


  • Graduating specialized professional cadres that possess the knowledge and skills that qualify them to compete for employment opportunities locally and regionally.
  • Self-building and promoting positive behaviors for community development.
  • Providing government institutions and business organizations with a specialized professional cadre.
  • Activating partnerships with similar institutions working in the field of vocational education and relevant local and international organizations.


Dean's College

In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful

Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon His faithful Messenger

     It is a cause of joy, happiness and a feeling of great happiness that overwhelms me as I write these simple words marking the opening of the official website of the Applied College of Science and Technology - Private Community College - Aden, which includes adequate information about the college in terms of academic departments, programs, study plans, and the college's vision, mission and goals .

I am also honored in the Deanship of the College during this period to work within the faculty and its wonderful team, which took the lead in translating the vision and mission of the College until they reached this level of outstanding performance.

The Applied College of Science and Technology - Aden - strives, through the programs it offers, to meet the needs of the labor market and contribute to the elimination of unemployment; and that is through:

Choosing modern and advanced educational curricula that keep pace with the requirements and needs of the labor market in accordance with quality standards and academic accreditation.

Creating an attractive educational environment in light of the current challenges, by providing a number of technical laboratories equipped with the latest devices and advanced equipment, which are necessary to train students on them.

Attracting efficient educational cadres with high academic qualifications and distinguished expertise and specialized in vocational education in line with quality requirements and adherence to academic accreditation standards.

Continuous development of the capabilities of faculty members and administrative staff in line with the rapid changes in the field of technology, as they are one of the main pillars and one of the important inputs to the college.

Contracting with many public and private hospitals to facilitate the application and training process for college students within these hospitals.

Finally, the Deanship of the College is fully prepared to receive comments, opinions and suggestions through this website, and we will consider them as an important source of developing institutional and academic work within the College.

God bless and Pacific to the straight path.


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      جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا