The English Department (Translation Program) at the College of Administrative and Human Sciences at the University of Science and Technology - Main Center, Aden, organized a scientific lecture for translation students at the university, entitled: “The Importance of Translation and the Need for It in Today’s Labor Market,” delivered by Dr. Nabil Muhaim, Assistant Professor of Linguistics and Translation at the English Department at the university.
The event was opened by Dr. Mahmoud Abdo Thabet, Dean of the College of Administrative Sciences and Humanities, with a brief speech in which he welcomed everyone. He then spoke about translation, and that it is a unique specialization that we need in various aspects of our lives. In his speech, he urged students to benefit from this scientific lecture and other academic activities that the department holds from time to time, addressing them by saying: “You, our students, are like delegates of our university wherever you go. You represent it and present a good image of it as a leading university, not only locally but also regionally.”
After that, Dr. Nabil Muhaim delivered his lecture in which he touched on many issues related to translation and its importance in today’s world, and how translation has become in demand in the job market. He also spoke about the radical transformations that technology has introduced to translation, such that the translator is now required to work with the mentality of a translator in the twenty-first century, a translator who can employ all the potential of scientific progress in producing highly accurate translations, with less effort, and at great speed.
The lecture also included a number of issues and concepts in the vast world of translation, where Dr. Nabil Muhaim explained that job opportunities in the field of translation are great, and those who qualify in this field will find them before them, adding that these opportunities are no longer limited to the traditional job that requires the translator to go out to work; rather, he can work with major translation companies without leaving the threshold of his home.
The lecture was attended by Professor Mansour Al-Zakri, Head of the English Department, Assistant Professor Lamis Abdulrahman, Assistant Professor Arif Nasi, Dr. Nizar Al-Salami, in addition to male and female translation students.