A training course for the skills of preparing a scientific research plan
Within the framework of the university's directions of interest and development in scientific research,
The Scientific Research and Publishing Committee, in coordination with the College of Administrative and Human Sciences, organized a training course entitled: Skills for preparing a scientific research plan, which targets the fourth level of students in my program (accounting and business administration), for 55 male and female students, which lasts for two days.
Course presenter: Dr. Bashir Mohammed Al-Hammadi Assistant Professor of Business Administration - Head of the Department of Business Administration - University of Science and Technology.
The session was opened by Dr. Mahmoud Abdo Thabet - Dean of the Faculty of Administrative and Human Sciences, Dr. Samah Al-Amiri - Chairman of the Scientific Research and Publication Committee - Head of the Dental Department, Dr. Ashal Al Haithami - Head of the Accounting Department.