Cooperation in the provision of postgraduate programs with the Sultan Azlan Shah University of Malaysia, USAS

Collaboration with USAS in providing Postgraduate Programs.

“One small step for a man, a giant leap for a mankind” - Neil Armstrong

East Asia Global opens the path to a meaningful and fruitful collaboration for higher educational institutions. A historic event that marks a significant step in the world of online education.

EAG is taking the roles in promoting and managing Master of IT Management (MITM) & Master of Management (MOM), offered by Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah (USAS). With this collaboration, we hope to open more doors to other educational institutions to collaborate in transforming and empowering higher education through open and distance learning.

Congratulations, EAG for taking the step forward in empowering education.

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      جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا