IT Master's Program Document Approval Workshop
The Quality Assurance and Development Department and the College of Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Science and Technology - Main Center, Aden, held a workshop on Sunday 06-18-2023 AD, “Approval of the Information Technology Master’s Program Document”, in the presence of Assistant Professor Dr. Muammar Al-Qatibi, Assistant President of the University for Academic Affairs at the University of Science and Technology, which was organized within the framework of the university’s efforts to develop and update its programs, and to work to keep pace with the latest developments in scientific and practical fields.
In his speech, the University’s Assistant President, Dr. Muammar Al-Qatibi, praised the attendees, participants, and experts, stressing that this program is part of a group of programs that the university seeks to develop in line with international quality standards as well as the requirements of the labor market, noting that continuous development and expansion is one of the characteristics that the university has distinguished itself with throughout its journey.
The participants in the symposium also expressed their admiration for the achievements made by the university in the areas of expansion and program development, and the special attention the university pays to aspects of academic quality, and the constant commitment to keeping pace with local, regional and international standards.
The workshop was attended by: Dr. Nasr Al-Saqqaf - Dean of the College of Engineering and Computer Science.
The workshop was also attended by: Associate Professor Dr. Nabil Mansour, Dean of E-Learning and Distance Education, Associate Professor Dr. Lotfi Khanbari, Director of the University Networking Department at the University of Aden, Dr. Abdullah Ahmed Omair, Director of the Quality Assurance Department at the University of Socotra Archipelago, Assistant Professor Dr. Amima Bahidra, Faculty Member at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Aden, and a group of specialists in the field of information technology from the labor market, namely: Ms. Rahab Al-Yousfi, Director of Remote Technical Support at Yemen Soft Company, and a number of master's students.