Bachelor Degree in Business Administration (BBA)

Bachelor of Business Administration – Yemen: Program Vision, Mission & Objectives

Program Vision

BBA program – Yemen aims to establish regional leadership and global excellence, along with its contribution to develop qualified graduates to carry on various responsibilities related to various job sectors in Yemen.

Program Mission

The Bachelor program in business administration - Yemen seeks to develop qualified and productive business men, who are able to embark on their own careers and prospects in Yemen and abroad. As such, the underlying administrative department of the program aims to teach students the foundations of business administration, proceeding to higher education levels, accompanied by research efforts, consultation and societal services, which extends such benefits and serves in favour of private and public institutions in Yemen. As such, the department of administration is well-known to represent a school through which students can learn and benefit, and all of which represents an image of intellectual wealth in Yemen.

BBA Learning Objectives

Develop students' abilities to keep pace with work requirements in the business environment.

  • To enhance students’ skills to suit the needs of the labor market in Yemen
  • To instil a high-esteemed leadership personality style within students
  • To provide students with supplementary knowledge and skills, to help them perform effectively in real life business conditions
  • To instil creative and critical thinking skills
  • To adapt to the change of economic and work-related conditions
  • To establish a foundation for scientific research, which aims to consolidate the student’s administrative knowledge in relation to the local and global market

مميزات برنامج بكالوريوس إدارة الأعمال والفرص الوظيفية :

  • يعتبر برنامج إدارة الأعمال من أكثر البرامج فرصاً للعمل فهو يتيح وظائف مختلفة ومتعددة في المستويات الإدارية (الإدارة العليا، الإدارة الوسطى، الإدارة التنفيذية).
  • يتميز البرنامج بتنوع الوظائف، حيث يمكن الخريجين ممارسة أكثر من مسمى وظيفي في كلٍ من (  الموارد البشرية، المشتريات والمخازن، الإنتاج والعمليات، التسويق، المبيعات، العلاقات العامة، الاستثمار، البحث والتطوير، الجودة، السكرتارية وإدارة المكاتب، الأعمال الإدارية بمختلف مسمسياتها…. الخ.
  • يتيح البرنامج زيادة النجاح لريادة الأعمال وإدارة المشاريع للطلبة أصحاب المشاريع، كما يساعد الطلبة على تأسيس مشاريعهم التجارية الخاصة بهم .
  • يحقق البرنامج المتعة والرضا النفسي للطالب الدارس مما يجعله البرنامج الدراسي الأنسب للالتحاق فيه من قبل بعض الطلبة الخريجين من برامج دراسية علمية أخرى، أو بعض رواد الأعمال الذين لا يتوفر لديهم هذا التخصص، أو كبار السن ومن يحملون الثانوية العامة والذين يرغبون بمواصلة مشوارهم العلمي.
  • نسبة التوظيف تزداد سنوياً محلياً وإقليمياً ودولياً لخريجي هذا البرنامج.
  • استقرار وزيادة الطلب سنوياً على هذا البرنامج لأنه أساس في كل عمل إضافةً الى المعارف والمهارات التخصصية والحياتية  التي يشملها البرنامج.

Bachelor of Business Administration Program Goals

  1. Introducing students to the basic theories, concepts and applications related to the field of management.
  2. Providing students with the basic administrative skills necessary to practice the organization's activities efficiently and effectively.
  3. Developing students’ abilities and skills in the field of scientific research by understanding the requirements of scientific research and reflecting that in developing students’ abilities to complete graduation research.

Bachelor of Business Administration Career Opportunities

The Business Administration program - with its Arabic and English programs - allows graduates to obtain leadership positions in government and private institutions, local, regional and international. 

Quality Accreditation Terms & Policies – BBA Course Yemen

  • To ensure that the scientific material encompassing the BBA program - Yemen aligns with the course requirements set forth by the department of administration
  • The employment of innovative and effective teaching methods, with consistent review and refinement which reflects the targeted learning outcomes
  • To keep records of quality requirements such as course syllabus reports
  • To provide quality status and progress reports on a regular basis
  • Annual course assessment, and conducting of workshops for discussing results and outcomes in relation to each academic term
  • Conducting developmental programs under the supervision of both the quality accreditation unit of the university and the department of administration
  • Effective participation in community service acts, which align with the university’s structural plans, as well as those of the faculty of humanities and administrative sciences and the department of administration – Yemen
  • Working in collaboration with scientific research groups, with adherence to scientific research and publication terms
  • To ensure regular update of research and publication data
  • Course structure review and update in accordance with changeable scientific facts and discoveries
  • The use of reliable measurement tools to measure learning outcomes
  • To ensure the application of course refinement plans
  • Effective cooperation with course development committees
  • To ensure the adoption of high standard ethics and conducts in relation to teaching, learning, scientific research, and community services 

Course Plan


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